Introduction to the CAS Advertising Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this advertising policy is to ensure that all advertising activities conducted via Cleverads adhere to ethical standards, comply with legal regulations, and protect user privacy while maintaining a transparent and fair bidding process.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all participants in the Cleverads ecosystem, including publishers, advertisers, demand-side platforms (DSPs), supply-side platforms (SSPs), and data management platforms (DMPs).

3. Advertising Standarts

  1. Truthfulness and Accuracy
    • Advertisements must be truthful and not misleading. Claims must be substantiated with verifiable evidence.
    • Advertisements should accurately represent the products or services being promoted.
  2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    • All advertising activities must comply with relevant local, national, and international laws and regulations.
    • Advertisements must adhere to industry standards and codes of practice, including those set by advertising regulatory bodies.
  3. Ethical Considerations
    • Advertisements should respect cultural diversity and avoid content that is offensive, discriminatory, or harmful.
    • The use of endorsements and testimonials must be genuine and based on actual experiences.

4.  Content Guidelines

  1. Product and Service Representation
    • Products and services must be represented accurately, with clear and truthful descriptions of their features and benefits.
    • Comparative advertising must be fair and based on factual comparisons.
  2. Children and Vulnerable Audiences
    • Special care must be taken when advertising to children and vulnerable audiences to avoid exploitation or manipulation.
    • Advertisements directed at children must be age-appropriate and not encourage unsafe behavior.
  3. Health and Safety Claims
    • Health and safety claims must be backed by credible scientific evidence.
    • Advertisements should not promote unsafe practices or encourage misuse of products.
  1. Transparency and Consent
    • All data collection and usage for advertising purposes must be transparent to users, with clear opt-in consent obtained.
    • Users must be informed about the types of data being collected and how it will be used in the advertising process.
  2. Data Protection
    • Personal data collected for advertising purposes must be handled in accordance with data protection laws, including GDPR, CCPA, and other applicable regulations.
    • Data security measures must be implemented to protect user information from unauthorized access and breaches.

6. Real-Time Bidding (RTB) Process

  1. Fair Bidding Practices

    • All participants in the RTB process must engage in fair and transparent bidding practices.
    • Bids must be genuine and reflect the true value of the advertising opportunity.
  2. Fraud Prevention
    • Measures must be in place to detect and prevent ad fraud, including invalid traffic, click fraud, and impression fraud.
    • Participants must report any suspicious activities to Cleverads for investigation.

7. Supply-Side Platform (SSP) Specific Guidelines

  1.  Publisher Onboarding and Inventory Quality
    • All publishers must undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure the quality and appropriateness of their inventory.
    • Inventory should be monitored regularly to maintain high standards and avoid fraudulent or low-quality ad placements.
  2. Integration and Compatibility
    • SSPs must ensure seamless integration with DSPs, DMPs, and other ecosystem participants to facilitate smooth and efficient ad transactions.
    • Technical standards and protocols, such as OpenRTB specifications, must be adhered to for compatibility and interoperability.
  3. Transparency and Reporting
    • SSPs must provide transparent reporting to publishers and advertisers regarding ad performance, revenue, and any discrepancies.
    • Real-time reporting and analytics should be available to all participants to track campaign effectiveness and inventory usage.
  4. Brand Safety and Ad Placement
    • SSPs must implement measures to ensure brand safety, avoiding placements on sites with inappropriate or harmful content.
    • Advertisements should be placed in contexts that align with the advertiser’s brand values and target audience preferences.
  5.  Revenue Sharing and Payments
    • Clear and fair revenue-sharing agreements must be established with publishers.
    • Payments to publishers should be timely and in accordance with the agreed-upon terms.

8. Demand-Side Platform (DSP) Specific Guidelines

  1. Advertiser Onboarding and Campaign Quality
    • All advertisers must undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure the quality and appropriateness of their campaigns.
    • Advertiser campaigns should be monitored regularly to maintain high standards and avoid fraudulent or low-quality ads.
  2. Integration and Compatibility
    • DSPs must ensure seamless integration with SSPs, DMPs, and other ecosystem participants to facilitate smooth and efficient ad transactions.
    • Technical standards and protocols, such as OpenRTB specifications, must be adhered to for compatibility and interoperability.
  3. Transparency and Reporting
    • DSPs must provide transparent reporting to advertisers and SSPs regarding ad performance, bid responses, and any discrepancies.
    • Real-time reporting and analytics should be available to all participants to track campaign effectiveness and spending.
  4.  Budget Management and Bid Strategies
    • DSPs must implement measures to manage advertiser budgets effectively and optimize bid strategies to achieve campaign goals.
    • Bidding strategies should be transparent, fair, and aimed at maximizing the value for advertisers while respecting publisher inventory.
  5. Compliance with Brand Safety and Targeting Guidelines
    • DSPs must adhere to brand safety guidelines, ensuring that advertisements do not appear alongside inappropriate or harmful content.
    • Targeting practices should respect user privacy and comply with relevant data protection regulations.

9. Approval and Monitoring

  1. Ad Approval
    • All advertisements must undergo an approval process to ensure compliance with this policy and relevant legal requirements.
    • CAS reserves the right to reject or remove advertisements that do not meet the standards outlined in this policy.
  2. Monitoring and Compliance
    • CAS will regularly monitor advertising activities to ensure ongoing compliance with this policy.
    • Participants must cooperate with audits and investigations related to advertising practices and compliance.

10. Non-Compliance

  1. Consequences of Non-Compliance
    • Non-compliance with this policy may result in penalties, including suspension or termination of access to CAS.
    • Repeated or severe violations may lead to legal action and financial penalties.
  2. Reporting Violations
    • Participants are encouraged to report any violations of this policy to CAS for prompt investigation and resolution.
    • Reports can be made anonymously and will be treated with confidentiality.

11. Policy Review

This advertising policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains up-to-date with current laws, regulations, and best practices in the digital advertising industry.



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